Player Settings
Here is where you can add, view and edit the players in the system.
To add a player click on the dropdown arrow next to the button and select Manage Players.
Player Profile
You can enter their Display Name, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY), Weight, Nationality, Gender, Sport, Position.
*Display name is how they will be viewed in the system, this can be just their initials or jersey number or their full name.
Zones and Thresholds
Threshold Configuration
Here you can set the sensitivity for the system to recognize specific metrics by typing a number into the text box or using the up and down arrows to set each threshold at a specific value.
Impacts (G) - You can set the amount of force needed for the system to recognize the player had an impact
Work Ratio - You can set the minimum speed at which the player will need to be moving for the system to recognize they are performing work
Acceleration - You can set the minimum velocity so that the system will recognize the player is accelerating
Top Speed Zones
Here you can set the speeds at which the system will report data on. Zone 1 is slow speed and Zone 5 is the max speed. To adjust the zones you can type in a number into the box or use the up and down arrows. The next starting zone will fill with that number to start the next zone. Click Save to save your changes.
*You must set the speed zone per player.
Game Targets
Game Values
To see the game values type a number into the box or use the up and down arrows.
*Game values are the total values per metric that were completed during a game.
Throughout the system data will be shown as a percentage of the game value, here is where you can edit those amounts.
Click Save to save your changes.