What is an App User?
An 'App User' is a profile that is set up via the Catapult One Cloud for an individual athlete to view their own data via the Catapult One Mobile App.
What is a System User?
A 'System User' is a profile that is set up via the Catapult One Cloud for another Coach/assistant to view team data in the Catapult One Cloud. System Users are allowed to use the Catapult One Cloud Dashboard and Sync Tool, and can manage multiple players.
System User's access can also be limited to viewing certain athletes/squads, for example, the Under 18's coach is only able to see their Under 18's squad in the Catapult One Cloud.
Managing User Settings
To Manage User Settings simply click on the arrow icon next to your profile in the top right-hand corner of the Catapult One Cloud, and select Manage Users.
Here you can manage players in the Catapult One App or staff members in the Catapult One Cloud system. To add a user to the Catapult One Mobile App or the Catapult One Cloud system click the plus(+) button next to the option you need and fill in the following:
- Email Address
- Display Name
- First Name
- Last Name
Lastly, add the player profile/s that can be managed by this user and click Save.
For App Users - Simply select the corresponding athlete (e.g. the App user Adam Munro can only manage Adam Munro's Player profile).
For System Users - Select the Athletes that they will be responsible for (e.g. "Coach Y" will be able to view these 5 athletes' data in the Catapult One Cloud).