Account Tab
The Account tab is where you can manage your account, manage the team, as well as view our terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Click on Manage Account to take you to Account Settings.
Account Settings
Here you can fill in Account Details and Privacy and Splits information. You can also change the language for the dashboard. Currently, the dashboard supports Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, and English.
Account Details
Here you can edit the basic settings of your account.
Account name - Team name
First name and last name - can be added for the main user of the account
Privacy and Splits
Privacy Toggle - Toggle is off your account is public and toggled on your account is private
Split Type - Choose quarters or halves depending on what your sport has for games
*these will be the default splits available throughout the system
Auto Generate Game Splits - Toggle off will not put default splits into games and toggled on will automatically break up the splits of the game
Click on Metrics to take you to Metric Settings.
Metric Settings
Here you can choose the units for each metric using the drop down menus.
Click on Security to take you to Security Settings.
Security Settings
Here you can change your password and update your security questions for resetting your password.
Click on Tag Editor to take you to Editor.
Tag Editor
Here you can edit the names of the tags you have created and delete tags if necessary.
*If you delete a tag it will be removed from the entire system. If you need to remove a tag from a specific session you can untag the activity in the edit session screens.