Welcome to the Session tab where you can view the data collected from a specific training session or game. This tab is commonly used to compare all players from a specific session per metric. Select a specific session you want to view by selecting the session card on the left-hand side (you can only view one at a time). You can also use the filter button to narrow down your specific sessions.
Click on the player's toolbar and select your preferred language. Subtitles will appear when you click Play
How to navigate through the Session tab
From the squads drop down, choose the specific squad you would like to view or keep the view to all squads to view every player in the session.
Choose a specific player(s) to view their session data. By not selecting any all players will be visible.
Choose the metric from the drop down menu.
Choose the specific split to view from the session.
Sort Toggle
Toggling on will show up as orange and will sort the data from highest to lowest. Untoggling will show up as gray and will sort the data alphabetically by the players last name.
%Game Toggle
Toggling on will show the data as percentages of the game values set per player in settings
Toggling off will total value for the metric selected.
Metric by Players: vs Session
This single session view allows you to execute the primary analysis of your team’s performance in games and practices. To view different metrics and players choose from the drop down menus and the graph will update. Selecting no players from the drop down will show all players in the session. Selecting specific players will show only their data from the session.
Circle Icon - You can set the game values of players to the data shown through the menu item.
This will make the values achieved by the players in this session, their default game values.
Up Arrow Icon - Create a quick report of the view or add to a report.
Link Icon - Creates a shareable link to a PDF view of the graph.
*It will automatically copy and you can paste to a new browser tab or send to someone else.
Metric by players: Last 30 Days
The multiple session view allows you to analyze your team’s performance over a number of sessions to understand the load on players over a week, month or season to date. You can use the same drop down menus for squad, players, metrics, and splits to view different player data.